Open yourself to creativity and well-being by living an immersive experience of true presence, listening, sustainability and union with nature


Delphicaphoto photo trekking are conceived, organized and cared for considering balance, interdependence and interconnection as fundamental aspects that bind the human being to nature in its entirety.

Photography lovers can make a real difference with their behavior and their images.

For this reason, photographic treks are based on three main pillars:

  • Wellness and creativity
  • Environmental and photographic education
  • Photography ethics and environmental




Photo of snowy mountain with blue sky and bare trees below

Delphicaphoto photo trekking make you come into direct and profound contact with nature and all its biodiversity.

Spending one or more days walking and contemplating natural landscapes, away from the confusion of overly anthropized places, has enormous benefits:

  • relaxes the mind and activates the substances of well-being and satisfaction in the brain
  • improves cardiovascular and respiratory capacity
  • strengthens the immune system and activates the metabolism
  • improves the quality of sleep, anxious and depressive states
  • stimulates concentration, learning and curiosity


Being able to express your creativity through landscape photography during trekking offers additional benefits:

  • improves your mood and lets you immerse yourself in the continuous flow of life
  • puts aside judgments to give space to your sensations and perceptions
  • opens the doors to greater knowledge of your being and the joy of discovering new abilities
  • increases neural connections and leads to a state of greater internal well-being




Photo of stream rocks with small waterfall and trees background

Delphicaphoto photo trekking are an opportunity to broaden your knowledge and experience:

  • you learn to understand the environment around you and to harmonize with it
  • your sensitivity towards all forms of life and the whole environment grows
  • you learn to move in nature during your shots, applying simple principles of respect
  • you learn to observe to find the composition that best corresponds to your vision, and to wait for the light that best expresses your sensitivity
  • you learn to choose between the different photographic techniques and the different types of filters to express in the images your feeling alive and vibrant of that moment
  • your photographs bear witness to the beauty of nature and the importance of protecting it for all who will see them




Photo of poppies in the foreground taken from below with green mountains and Grignetta in the background

Today it is increasingly important to develop an ecological mentality that is based on considering the human being as a co-protagonist of an integrated whole, looking at the essential and universal unity with nature in every aspect of life.

According to the hypothesis of the biophilia the human being has "an innate tendency that leads him to focus his attention on the different forms of life and on everything that remembers them and, in a certain sense, to associate himself emotionally with them in a sort of empathy that leads him to appreciate diversity."

From this way of being in the world arises the need to abandon all futile selfishness to understand how much it is the experience of belonging to an "we" that gives meaning to every daily choice.

It is possible to enjoy nature and preserve it as an essential value in itself, in our lives and in the lives of future generations.


Delphicaphoto photographic treks want to convey the importance of sustainable behaviors aimed at caring for and safeguarding nature and its biodiversity, through an internal maturation that leads to developing greater sensitivity, empathy and awareness in our way of experiencing photographic and hiking activities.

The awareness of the interconnection and interdependence that binds us to nature and to all beings spontaneously awakens our deepest feelings which are revealed in the expression of our talents and in the desire to safeguard the environment in its entirety, without intellectual efforts or constraints but as the normal internal attitude of every hiking photographer.


To realize this intent, Delphicaphoto photographic treks are organized so that our ecological footprint is as minimally invasive as possible in order to preserve the natural heritage today and for years to come, and are committed to showing that it is possible to enjoy your passion for landscape photography without harming the environment during trekking:

  • enhancing the discovery of local Italian nature and promoting the reduction of individual polluting emissions through the sharing of means of transport
  • respecting all forms of life and ecosystems as a whole: do not disturb wildlife and do not destroy vegetation
  • implementing responsible and non-destructive behavior that does not alter the natural balance while we walk on the paths or stop to take photographs, putting into practice the principles of Nature First and Leave No Trace (read more in the Blog post on Leave No Trace principles ⟶)
  • developing the ability to listen to the environment in which we find ourselves
  • choosing mountain hubs that share the same sustainability values and offer food produced with local raw materials
  • packing the backpack with photographic and hiking equipment efficiently to reduce weight and waste to dispose of
  • using reusable food and water containers
  • bringing home our waste and the abandoned ones we find along the paths
  • showing gratitude for what nature continually gives us and knowing that we are responsible for its health


To learn more about my values and commmitments, read my Statement of Photography Ethics ⟶ and my Sustainability Statement



Rediscover being part of the living ecosystem and free your gaze: natural landscapes, culture and connections to the territory to explore and photograph


Delphicaphoto photographic treks are dedicated to you, Phototrekker, who:


  • love photography and walking in nature with awareness
  • think unconventionally and have a free spirit
  • believe in the creative energy and in the endless potential of the human being
  • recognize the value of nature, make daily choices that respect it and care about environmental sustainability
  • want to learn more about how to behave responsibly on your photography excursions
  • want to try new immersive experiences that involve all the senses in harmony with your surroundings
  • want to improve your photographic technique, but above all let yourself be inspired and bring out your free and authentic vision
  • love silence and feel a spiritual attraction for boundless spaces that make the depths of your being vibrate
  • love backpacking, you appreciate a genuine diet made of local products and you're happy to meet the people who made them
  • have a spirit of adaptation and collaboration, you are not afraid of climbs and rain, you want to look others in the eye and share your passion




Mountains rich in history and poetry

Horizontal photo with the sun rising over the mountains seen from the top of Grigna in june


Immersed in the nature of the beautiful Lombard Pre-Alps, the Valsassina and the nearby valleys offer a unique opportunity for guided photographic trekking.


You can live the unmissable experience that combines the passion for photography and the love for the mountains.

You can embrace with eyes full of wonder the silent landscapes that resonate around and within you with every step.


Great names are linked to these places:

  • Leonardo da Vinci who here underwent many studies in hydraulics, geology, mechanics and botany
  • the writer Alessandro Manzoni who remembers the Valsassina in his novel "I promessi sposi"
  • Antonio Stoppani italian founder of geology and paleontology
  • the poet Antonia Pozzi who finds the breath of her soul in these mountains
  • the famous alpinists Riccardo Cassin and Walter Bonatti who formed and opened new routes on these rocks



A world heritage awaits you

Photo of green hills lit by the sun, with two cypresses on the horizon in Val d'Orcia


The magnificent scenery of the province of Siena hosts three UNESCO world heritage sites.


This is the ideal place where you can immerse yourself thanks to photographic trekking, let yourself be conquered by the fascinating landscapes and discover the thousand-year history of a magical land.


The territory of Siena is dotted with villages in harmony with the hills, the vineyards, the olive groves, the woods, the "crete" and the thousand dirt roads that take you back in time.


In these lands rich in history, culture, tradition, art and nature you feel immersed in an extraordinary setting, where every corner offers a surprise and invites you to discover its treasures, in a crescendo that completely involves you.




Do you feel like you're not capable or too old for photographic treks?


Photographic treks are an opportunity to free yourself from these useless prejudices that weigh down your wings instead of starting to fly into the adventure of landscape photography.

For everyone there has been a moment in which we understood that the only way to really feel good about ourselves was to listen to our own inner voice, the one that directs us towards the right situations and people for us, for our evolution.


I believe that we are all born with creative abilities and that their expression is fundamental to living an authentic life, without regrets and without giving up. Everyone has within themselves a heritage of visual, emotional, experiential and cultural sensitivity that characterizes them and which must be cultivated while respecting their own uniqueness, their own deep feelings.

I also believe that we all have the right to enjoy nature's embrace and stop seeing ourselves as something separate and superior.


So why not start by participating in photographic treks? Why not leave behind what we were yesterday and instead enter a new flow of energy, a new expressive experience?

It is the most beautiful gift we can give ourselves.

I also talked about it in this Blog post




Do you have questions about photo trekking?


See the FAQ page ⟶ to find answers to frequently asked questions or contact me

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