The book "Nel ventre della balena"


A book of 96 images taken on 35 mm black and white film and digitally reproduced for this photographic reportage born from the deep desire to remember what happened on 9th October 1963 at the Vajont dam in Italy.

But this book also wants to be a testimony of struggle and rebirth for all those who experienced that criminal tragedy, for the young generations and for every person who approaches the history of these places today.

In each photo I have put all my participation in the life that breathes in these mountains on the border between the italian regions Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the desire to show, 50 years after the Vajont disaster, the strength and courage of the inhabitants through the their countries, water, stones, objects, landscapes.

It is my gaze as a woman, the sensitivity for small and intimate human things, and for the greatness of the natural world so close and precious.

A union in a common embrace aimed at those who, with an open mind, let themselves be guided page after page, between light and shadow, to discover the traces that invite to knowledge and hope.

A rich, intense book. A voice of rebirth, in silent respect for pain and dedicated to all the people who died, to those who lost their loved ones that night, and to today's young people, children of love for this beautiful land and of the memory that builds the future.




The book consists of 102 pages, measures 12x12 in (30x30 cm) with a hard cover and is printed on quality paper Prophoto pearl. Each copy is numbered and signed.



Delphicaphoto at the Vajont gorge
In the Vajont gorge during the days of the reportage

Working on this reportage was an experience of profound involvement in every phase: the research and documentation, the journey and the encounter with the places and people, the choice of photos and the final story that was born from it.

I climbed the Vajont gorge and the mountains, touched the rock and the water, held the stones of the houses and many hands of the local inhabitants, listened and shared in the midst of such a grandiose and delicate, impressive and moving nature.

Each photo in this book is a story that wants to talk to everyone about rebirth and respect.

Two unpublished frames of the film used for the reportage on the Vajont
Two unpublished frames of the black and white film used for the reportage about Vajont

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The book "Nel ventre della balena" is independently printed and self-produced, which is why it is only available on request.

See the other Reportage