Landscape photography: starting at any age stress-free

Ritratto miniatura bianco e nero di Ylenia

Written by Ylenia Cantello

Foto in bianco e nero di paesaggio di montagna in Valsassina con prato in primo piano

Many people who want to approach landscape photography in adulthood often experience this experience in a contradictory and painful way.

On the one hand they feel that the time has finally come to dedicate time to something they, on the other they self-censor thinking that it's too late and that there are more important things to do.

They therefore experience a psychological conflict which is typical of those who, while feeling the urge to follow their own path, allow themselves to be conditioned by the common thinking of western society, so those who are over a certain number of years are excluded from actively dedicating themselves to passions and interests.





It is precisely a wrong mentality that always leads to judgment and comparison with others, and diminishes the value of each human being, ignoring the continuous evolution that characterizes us throughout life.

Furthermore, dedicating ourselves to a passion that involves us, makes us discover new things and new aspects of ourselves is of great importance for our health, well-being and physical, mental and spiritual balance.


When we don't listen to the voice that invites us to do what we like or would like to experience, problems arise that manifest themselves with various psychological discomforts.

And when, on the other hand, we listen too much to what others think is right or wrong to do at a certain age, based on a limited and castrating vision of how our life should go and what milestones we should respect, then we are gripped by anxiety, insecurity, frustration, stress and loss of self-esteem.





Living an authentic life takes us beyond the trap of social and cultural conditioning, and brings out with serenity and naturalness our most intimate being which calls us to something that perhaps for others is inconceivable but for us it is a fundamental experience of our inner journey.

Photography is the master of this, and landscape photography, thanks to total immersion in the natural environment, is even more so.


During my photographic treks there comes a moment in which the participants perceive that two practices of awareness add up in them: the creative experience of expressing themselves through photographic images, and being part of nature experienced with all the senses. Everyone experiences a strong feeling of infinite freedom.

To do this there are no limits of any kind, least of all age limits!

And what for others may be an end point, for us instead represents a splendid starting point.

We can thus listen to ouselves deeply, feel the connection with all of nature and let life flow within us.

The weight of so many useless thoughts slips away and we realize how happy we are to see, taste, breathe, touch the world with our way of being.





The first thing to do is to recognize that we are conditioned by the common thought that makes us feel wrong in wanting to realize our passion for landscape photography, and to become aware that this thought doesn't actually belong to us.


Then it is important to act:

  • we start gradually by taking mindful walks in nature, trying to be present and participating in the life around us
  • we carry the camera with us and when something attracts us we look through the viewfinder and shoot
  • the result is not important but the fact that we followed our inspiration which is telling us something profound about ourselves
  • we don't judge our works, but we accept each photo as a step towards knowing ourselves
  • we don't tell anyone what we do because we are maturing in our intimacy that needs care and silence to blossom
  • we don't think about anything, especially what and how we should photograph
  • we continue to learn and grow as photographers in love with nature, also by participating in my photo trekkings
  • we follow our path which becomes ever brighter, we feel at peace and in harmony, happy with our path and we no longer suffer criticism from others.





What we can do right now is to abandon the old mentality that blocks our immense potential and recognize the value of our authenticity thanks to the power of nature and photography.

We go out and photograph the landscapes that can give us so much energy and enrich us at every glance.

We are not afraid to show our passion for photography landscape. Passions have no age.

We meet other photographers and walk together on an endless journey of discovery and creativity.


Photo trekking in Valsassina

Photo trekking in Siena

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